Monday, February 12, 2007

Dream a little dream

I've had two dreams about death recently and while my dreams are often very bizarre, these dreams have left me feeling slightly disturbed.

The first and most bizarre, was a dream I had about two nights ago. As all of my dreams do, they change and amalgamate and change while my brain churns out the stuff it needs to. The part of my dream that I remeber vividly was where I was back in my hometown at the bus station in the town centre, I looked across the road past the trees and saw water. Not like rain but more like you were looking into a fish bowl. I turned to warn the people next to me but I saw that we were all underneath water and that they were dead. Their feet were still on the ground but their hair was floating upwards and waving slightly in the water. I realised that I was still alive and panicked, I woke myself up after I gasped for air.

Then last night, I was in a shopping centre which didn't look familiar to me at all. There were several floors and the centre scetion on all floors was open so you could see right to the bottom floor. I was on one of the top floors where, for some reason only known to my mind, there were apartments in the centre. I went to see some people who I knew (who I don't know in real life and don't have a clue who they were) and we walked out of their apartment and saw their neighbour who lived across the hall, slumped dead with their door open. Somehow we knew that the dead person had contracted some deadly virus and that's what had killed them. We legged it from there into the main shopping centre and they realised that the outbreak had happened so they were closing off floors to keep the infected contained but also locking in people who were still virus free. I ran down one area along with several other people and we cam across more dead infected bodies, so we ran back the other way only for me to realise that I was heading back in a circle to the dead people. I found a door that was still open and ran for it but by the time I had got there it had been automatically locked by the security. I headed for the centre of the floor and looked over to see that there was a coffee shop on the next floor. It had plush scarlett sofa's and chairs and I scouted for the best place to jump. As I climbed over the wall people were shouting at me, telling me I wouldn't make it but I jumped anyway and landed on the sofa's, they were so soft that the broke my landing perfectly and allowed for me to run for the doors and out of the shoppong centre. I then woke up.

Clearly my brain has some issues to get over! Hopefully tonights dream(s) will be a lot less eventful and will be nice and mellow.

And no, I didn't eat cheese yesterday. Perhaps I should have.

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