Thursday, March 29, 2007

The First Dance

Even though Mr M and I aren't getting married until we go back to the UK, I watch and see things that start me wondering about our wedding. So far I can see the biggest headache being 'The First Dance' with cries of "do I have to?". Mr M isn't a dancer and the only times that we have danced together have been in the house when i have some music playing and alcohol has been consumed.

Aside from the actual dancing, you have to choose the song to dance to. OMG! Do you know how difficult that is going to be. I'm not a fan of soppy love songs and Mr M is more inclined to go with The Clash than Celine Dion. Which is a good thing becuase I couldn't stand having Celine Dion warbling on our wedding day. In fact *mental note to self - make sure that no Celine Dion gets played on wedding day*

So, perhaps we could go for something different. Here's my alternate list of songs so far:
Billy Idol - Rebel Yell
Green Day - Stuck With Me
Kaiser Chiefs - Everyday I Love You Less & Less
OPM - Heaven Is A Halfpipe
Foo Fighters - No Way Back
The Rolling Stones - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
Weezer - Keep Fishin'

Just a select few for now!

I had better add that the list above is only a joke and will not be our first song. I'm actually thinking of scraping the first song idea anyway, I don't see why we have to use a tradition if we don't want to. It's a radical idea but something that many people are ditching, infact when we went to Mr M's best mates wedding last year, they didn't have a first dance. They did have a harp playing thought the afternoon which was lovely.
I'm also thinking of charging per head for people who want to come along, why should we pay for them to eat? (semi-joking, that thought really has crossed my mind but we will opt for fewer guests instead. And maybe still charge them....)

It's no wonder people say weddings are stressful. Someone remind me why we even bother? Maybe there is some tax break for married people or is that only if you have sprogs these days?
Tax break would be good, and make it worthwhile and maybe then we could pay for all the food LOL

NOTE: On a serious note, we won't be inviting any children. If any guests have sprogs they'd better get a babysitter because the people who know me, know that I am not child friendly and have a zero policy when it comes to them.

Edit: As much as I personally, do not like children and do not want any of my own, I would not see any harm come to a child. Most of them annoy the crap out of me but there are a few little cheeky angels out there who occassionally melt my heart, however, these are very few and far between. I believe in discipline and feel that this is lacking in most people parenting skills, the evidence is in the way their children behave. There is nothing wrong with smacking children to teach them right from wrong, if you do it right you will only ever need to smack them once, the threat of a smack the next time they do domething wrong will be good enough. I appreciate that some people don't understand the difference between smacking and child cruelty - smacking involves using force on the bottom and I don't mean a light tap. I do not believe in hitting children, or cliping them over the head; that is cruel. But when they do something wrong they need to understand there and then and not when 'Daddy get's home', by that time they will have forgotton what they did.
If I see you smacking your child in public, I will not give you dirty looks but let you carry on with your disciplining. I only give dirty looks to parents who can't control they're screaming and annoying brats.
And if you are looking for evidence that discipline through smacking works, then take a look at the animal kingdom. Watch a mother with it's young and you will see that she let's them get so far and then smacks them. It works!


Original Mel said...

Ultimate Wedding Song (trademark pending): Elvis Presley (Some Folk Just) Ain't The Marryin' Kind

Miss M said...

Excellent Mel!

I hadn't told Mr M what songs I had on teh list so far, but told him about the post and the first song he mentioned...
The Kaisers - Every day I love you less and less.

I nearly choked on my fajita from laughing so hard :-)

Anonymous said...

REM - Its The End Of The World As We Know It.

HGow about this - I sing Celine Dion :oD

Anonymous said...

On the subject of the wedding.

As Bridesmaid In Chief of Operations, I'm allowed to get off with the best man after copious amounts of sherry as I cry through the snot 'no one will ever marry me', and therefore I request Mr M chooses from the following as his best man

Daniel Craig
Kelly Jones
that nice welsh bloke who's in Hornblower
Christian Bale
Jeremy Sheffield
Orlando Bloom (but he has to have his LOTR elf ears on)

Miss M said...

Beki, the nice welsh bloke from hornblower is Ioan Gruffold.

Why is it that Orlando Bloom is only sexy when dressed like an elf? :-S We're both obviously very disturbed!