Thursday, March 22, 2007

My take on bands reuniting

First off, this is the first photo I've put in a post since I upgraded my OS. I'm now using Safari as my web browser and, well, it seems to have changed things around a bit. For example, the image is displayed assome URL type string rather than giving me the image. It works in preview but I don't know where my typing will be unlike before. Think i will have to download Firefox again and go back to that.

Anyway, to the reason for this post....
I've just an article about band reuniting and why it's a bad thing. I personally don't think it is. The article mentioned that the bands had written the best stuff years ago and that the solo careers weren't very good, also that if it for nostalgic reasons that people want to see the bands back together, that they should instead listen to the records.

Now I disagree with this for several reasons. Firstly, the bands that have reunited may have written their best stuff many years ago but does that stop it being good? No. Some of the solo careers have been extremely successful and as the Police were mentioned the article perhaps the forgot that Sting was the lead singer of the group. I would say that Sting has a huge fan base since going out on his own solo career.
Secondly, what the article fails to realise is the reason why many people, including myself, go to concerts in the first place. To see the actual people perform live in front of you. I've been fortunate enough to see some great concerts and I would have to say that the Rolling Stones might just be at the top purely because I never though I would get the chance to see them live for a numer of reasons including their age. So to see them live and rockin' like the were still in their twenties was amazing and they sounded good too!

For this very same reason, I would love to see The Who live. With the bands reunion and subsequent tour, I may well get that opportunity. I'm pushing 30 so I wasn't exactly concert going age when The Who were in their glory days but the reunion and tour now means that so long as I can get to where they are playing and have the money for a ticket, I could see some more rock legends in the flesh.

So far I have seen live:
The Rolling Stones
Elton John,
The Foo Fighters
Green Day (twice)
Jimmy Eat World (as a support act)
My Chemical Romance (as a support act)
Kaiser Chiefs (as a support act)
and in April I will be going to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Sure, I could listen to the albums but it's not the same as seeing them perform life. Jumping and dancing around and meeting other people who are there and enjoying themselevs for the same reason you are.

Edit: After publishing the post it seems that it looks quite normal, so I just have to get used to Safari's quirks :-)

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