Monday, April 2, 2007

Goodbye March, Hello April

The weekend was rather good! Went out with friends on Saturday and yesterday I finally managed to take some more photo's for my assignment. I still feel like a right idiot when out using a tripod but fortunately Mr M kept me company. I got some lovely dusk/night shots of the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. That is, they are lovely to me. Other people might not think so which is why they won't be appearing on here. I'm still not comfortable about people, particularly strangers, seeing my photo's yet. I still have a couple more to take for my 2nd assignment and then I need to do some tweaking so that it's all laid out correctly before submitting. At least I feel like I'm getting somewhere now!

The other reason why the weekend was good was beacuse the Rabbitoh's and the Storm won their matches :-)

And today I finally got my RAM module! Hopefully get that fitted this evening, I can't wait to see the difference. Fingers crossed it all goes well!

I read today that blogger Original Mel is jetting off to Europe today. Time flies doesn't it? Hopefully Mel will settle in quickly and get back to her blogging duties. I, like many others, are looking forward to reading about her adventures in Europe.

And that's about it for now as I need to keep it short and sweet and knuckle down to some studying!
Which reminds me "BEKI! GET WRITING THAT NOVEL, 379 WORDS IS NOT ENOUGH" But I hope it's going well ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*hangs head in shame*

379 words - perhaps we could class it as a novella :o))

Hopefully this week will see me kick into action - my seeds are germinating and hopefully my brain and imagination will follow suit!