Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Music, the answer to all the problems

So climate change is the new topic of conversation from the worlds governments to people waiting for the bus. I'm already bored of it! Yes, we know we've fucked up the Earth but some scientists have also stated that what we are seeing is normal and that we are just going through the Worlds natural cycle. Anyone remember the Ice Age?
But what really annoys me is that everyone wants to be seen as doing the right thing and forcing those views on to us. I have a small 1.3L car which is very economical on petrol but we're constantly told how bad cars are for the environment, well sorry but I'm still going to drive my car. The other alternative is you give me a horse and cart, I don't mind. We're told we HAVE to recycle with councils forcing us to do so and yet cutting the rubbish collection to every other week (in the UK). NO! I want my rubbish picked up EVERY WEEK. As tax payers we have a right to stand up to the people we elected to power and tell them we aren't happy.

I'm sick of being told what to do. I'm old enough and ugly enough to make my own mind up and live with my own choices. If I want to eat meat and wear leather and wool and hell, even fur, then that is my choice and not for someone else and their beliefs to force me not to. PETA don't care about animals they just care about grabbing headlines, I'll stick to supporting charities that DO CARE about the animals, such as the RSPCA.

Back to the issue of Climate Change.... The latest I've read and heard on the news is that there will be concerts held around the world to bring awareness to the issue. Many famous people such as Madonna have signed up to perform, but they would wouldn't they. A chance to be in the public eye again, to show how much they care. And of course, who came up with the idea of these concerts? None other than the Saint himself, Bob Geldof. And how much does he cream from this idea I wonder. Sorry, that's right, he's all for charity and helping the third world. Sick of hearing it Bob. When they held the first Live Aid concerts why didn't the hold back some of the money and put it into high interest accounts to get more money to help the needy? And where does the money go? All the money that people gave for the victims of the Boxing Day Tsunami, where did it go? We see the pictures on our TV sets and, oh look, nothing has changed yet they had millions of dollars in aid. Corupt governments and politicians! Let's help the fat cats get fatter shall we.
But money aside, these new concerts are to raise awarness to Climate Change, to tell us to use less electricity. So why haven't I heard that these concerts will be played accoustically? What does it matter, lets throw a concert so celebs and musicians can be seen to be doing the right thing and boost their popularity, we'll have one big party.

Bring out the party poppers boys, it should be a good one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you hear what Russell Brand said at some awards do or another he was hosting?

Bob was a bit of a w@nker to our Russ so the retort was along the lines of

"Sir Bob doing his bit to end world hunger and he should know about that as he's been dining off one song for thirty years now"!

Oh handbags at dawn boys!