Wednesday, February 14, 2007

February the 14th

Yes it's that time of year again but really it is just another day.
In the words of the great Public Enemy "Don't Believe The Hype".
Why are we dictated to by the media and the greetings card companies who insist we must celebrate our love on this day? It's BOLLOCKS!

No, I'm not single and bitter, I'm in a long term relationship thank you very much but I still think that Valentine's Day is overrated. I also think it is unfair to people who have lost their loved one (silly because they should know where they left them *rolls eyes* LOL) and it's also unfair to people who are single. Some people are single because they are happy to be not because there is something wrong with them so why do we make a big deal out of Valentine's Day? I hate to shout discrimination but the word is bandied about everywhere these days, so what the hell, I'll jump on that bandwagon! Does the single person feel discriminated by it?

I went into the supermarket today and the lady at the checkout wished me a happy Valentine's Day. WTF?! Has Valentine's become like Christmas now? Dear me. I had to smile sweetly at her rather than moan and whinge purely 'cos I couldn't be bothered to waste my energy or time and also because you could tell that she felt she HAD to say it to people. Well, you don't. Honestly, I will not be offended if you don't wish me a happy Valentines, in fact I'd be more grateful if you didn't.

Fortunately Mr M also hates Valentine's Day and thinks it's great that I feel the same way too. It also means we don't need to go out buying cards and gifts and basically waste our money. We love each other and that's enough, well it is for us. I was rather pleased to here from him yesterday that a colleage he works with also thinks the same way as us. He and his wife also believe that Valentine's is an excuse to print money and feel that it is much better to buy flowers etc at any other time in the year becuase it has more meaning then. Exactly my sentiments! If I did happen to get flowers or a gift from Mr M on this day I would personally think that he feels he has to do it rather than actually wanting to do it or even meaning it.

But there are plenty of people that buy into Valentine's Day and spend a fortune on their loved one. Another colleage of Mr M's is so caught up in the whole thing that she has ordered three large balloons and a big card to be delivered to her boyfriends place of work! Oh dear. I wonder how long that relationship will last? Not only because of the interesting public display of affection that he will receive at work but also because if he evers goes anywhere for work (including travel in the same state) she has to have a present brought back for her. Dear, dear, me. The mind really does boggle. But hey, she's happy and so far they seem to be doing well so there must be something.

So how am I planning on spending the rest of the day? Well, I'm gonna continue doing the cross stitch I started today as a break ffrom studying and then probably in an hour or so I'll start cooking Lasagne, then wait for Mr M to come home from a long hard day at work, have dinner and several glasses of wine, ask about his day & discuss, watch the TV and go to bed. Almost a typical day just like any other, but I did already tell you that it's just another day :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds a perfect Valentines day to me!