Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Like a Virgin

I phoned my mum last night for our weekly catch up, I won't tell you how long we were on the phone for! I love my conversations with mum as we go off in all different tangents and directions and we have opinions about everything. We can also, quite literally talk about the price of peas.... but usually it is the price of bananas.

One of the topics we covered was British Politics and how there really isn't anyone in any party that fills us with confidence enough to vote for them. I've actually, um, quite liked the Tory party and was saddened to see Labour (Sorry, I mean new Labour because they are more Conservative than the Conservative Party ever was) win with Tony Blair the first time, let alone get in for another term! I really liked William Hague, why did he have to leave? And thought Ian Duncan Smith wasn't too bad, but would still opt for William Hague! And I now find myself looking back at John Major and thinking "He wasn't that bad as a PM". Of course dear Maggie was my fave PM, she may have made changes that upset a lot of people but my god that woman had balls! I also think the Poll Tax was good in theory and is actually a fairer system, but they were charging too much, that was the only reason why it didn't work. Whether you love her or hate her, as a woman I think that she is a great role model. But David "Hug a Hoodie" Cameron..... Oh, Peeerrrrlease! I'm sorry Mr Cameron but you have no charm or charisma and as for hugging hoodies, well, you clearly haven't walked down some of the streets in the UK have you? When you get some real experience of real life on the British Streets, then come back and try to win us over because after that statement I would rather vote in Tony Blair again than have you run the Country. Such a shame because I think it's time for a change of government again, but there is no one out there that appeals to me.

I think voting should be compulsory but I also believe that we should be able to show our apathy but having the option "None of the above". As the famous quote says, and by whom I cannot remember at the moment "It doesn't matter who you vote for because the Politicians always get in". How true. And there aren't many Politicians that have a single clue about real life in Britain. So then Mum and I got chatting some more about the subject and the craziest idea entered my head, the man that has a lot of charm and charisma and does know what real life in Britain is all about - Richard Branson! I know it is completely crazy, but I truly love the idea of Sir Richard Branson being the PM. Of course he would have to set up his own party, how about the Virgin Party? Yep, I'll vote for that! Let's be fair, it's not like he could stuff it up anymore than previous parties who have got in, so why not let him have a go?
But I have heard that Sir Branson isn't interested in entering Politics :-( Such a shame as I really do believe that he would get a lot of votes. Perhaps he is scared of loosing his brilliant public image? And, perhaps, just perhaps, he could back a damn good job of running the country. If nothing else, it would be great to see him try.

Alas, I guess this will always be a dream.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like David Cameron *blushes*

I do think the media took the hug a hoodie thing totally out of context and have made it a bit of millstone around his neck now.